All week I've been trying to think of what I wanted to blog about. I miss the "old days" of blogging where it was all about tags, rambling about life, and sharing random pictures. I think some of the other bloggers I used to follow then feel the same way. Then, something changed. Everyone had to write posts that were "The Top Ten Ways..." or "Let Me Give You Advice About..." or "Listen To Me Talk About This Important Topic." All of those are great. But, I think I kind of got burnt out on it.
Yet, when I brainstorm what blog posts I want to write, I can't get my mindset out of the "make your post on brand!" Which then leads me to "What is my brand?" and "What is a brand anyway?" I think about how no one wants to hear about my boring life.
But then, I look at my favorite bloggers. The people I've followed for years, the ones who maybe left for awhile then came back, or the ones I stopped reading and have come back to. You want to know what my favorite posts a lot of times are? When they're just about life!
I saw one of these bloggers, Brittany from Palms and Palmettos, did a "Mid-Month Update" just about things in her life going on at the moment. So, I'm stealing that idea! I have to break this bloggers writers block somehow.
- My sister had her baby shower this past weekend! My family came in on Saturday and we all went to a White Sox game. (They actually won, which was a happy surprise!) Then on Sunday was the shower. We were running late the entire weekend, but it all turned out well. My sister got SO MUCH STUFF and all of it was adorable. Particularly all of the nerdy onesies I bought. But I might be partial. It's becoming more and more real that she's having a baby and we're all ridiculously excited. Only two more months!
And even more stuff piled up after I took this picture. It was awesome!
- I am beyond ready for fall. I'm not the biggest fan of summer. It's too hot and muggy to want to be outside, but the air conditioning inside is so cold I'm walking around with warm socks and a blanket. Granted, we had a decent summer this year. But when I saw that later this week we might be getting up to the 80s - I was not happy. I've been loving it being in the 50s-mid 70s the last couple of weeks and I want it to stay that way! I haven't even been able to bust out a scarf yet! But, I'm drinking my Pumpkin Spice Lattes like no one's business. At least there's that.
- I've decided that I have far too many friends who live in hurricane areas. This past week has been stressful because NONE of them evacuated and I was freaking out. Which, I fully understand that my stress is NOTHING compared to what people who were living down there actually experienced. But, I vote that everyone I know who lives in hurricane areas come and move up here. Yes, Chicago has terrible winters and gangs galore. But we don't have hurricanes which cover our entire state. So... I say it's a win.
- At the start of the month Sarah J Maas, one of my favorite authors, released the next book in the Throne of Glass series. I'm complete trash for SJM. She definitely has problematic elements in her books, but I love her stories and have connected with her characters and I can't stop reading. And I binge her books like crazy. They can be over 700 pages long and I'll still finish it in a day or two. I have a problem. But anyway, I LOVED her newest book and it dealt with a character who had become parlayed and I was so happy with how she handled it. I thought it showed how much SJM is trying to listen to people's criticisms and she wants to be respectful and thoughtful. AHHHH it makes me happy. I'm so stinking proud of her. So, I posted a full review about it on Goodreads, which is rare for me. The response I've gotten is crazy! It has far more likes than any of my other reviews and I've been getting multiple friend requests each day since I posted it. It's been exciting for me. You can read the review here (and yes, it does have spoilers. Sorry!):
- I haven't had the chance to sit and write my novel for awhile. Well... that's not entirely true. I have time after work where I can sit and write. But, I'm so tired when I get home my brain can't function anymore. All I do is lay on my bed, watch Netflix, and read. Besides, my desk chair is covered with laundry at the moment and I don't feel like putting my clothes away. How do you all deal with fatigue? Cause it's really putting a cramp in my writing routine.
- Have you noticed how all of these amazing female artists are coming out with new songs lately? Kesha, Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson, even Aly and AJ! I've been loving all of them. But do you know who I've been LOVING? Demi Lovato. I've never disliked her, but I've never been over enthusiastic about her music. I'll listen to a song, enjoy it, then move on. But OH GOODNESS her new ones I have on repeat and I can't get enough!
So, that's my life at the moment. Nothing outrageously exciting outside of my sister's baby shower. My mom's birthday is coming up though, so my sister and I have to make plans for her now! What's going on in your life?