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12 Days of Love Letters

Who doesn't love getting a letter in the mail? Not just an email. But a real letter in your mailbox. It's one of the things I like about the holiday season. For once, I'm not just getting random bills and advertisements. Here and there I'll get a nice card or a letter from a friend. Yes, I see their life updates on Facebook and everything. But getting that card or letter in the mail is extra special. 

I saw a friend tweet about 12 Days of Love Letters a few weeks ago, and it intrigued me so I clicked on the link. 

The World Needs More Love Letters gets requests for letters to be sent in bundles all year around, but in December they do a big campaign for 12 days of sending letters to people who need it. How awesome is that? It reminded me of the days of LoveBomb and LoveDrop that I used to participate in a few years ago. (Not familiar with those? Ask me or seek out @NateStPierre sometime.) Naturally, I signed up. 

Also, I love having an excuse to use my stationary. I don't get to use it enough.

It started this year on December 4 and is going through the 15th. I looked at my blogging calendar, picked a day, and today is the day!

Today, we're rallying around Emma. Here's her story:

Tuesday, December 12

A friend of Emma’s requested a bundle for her + shared with us some of her story. She wrote:

“Emma is struggling a lot. She is currently recovering from an eating disorder, but struggles immensely with it. She also struggles with suicidal thoughts, self-harm, and has had to be hospitalized for several weeks. She has a hard time believing in herself and her abilities, and she tells herself constantly that no one cares about her and that she's not worth anything. I've tried so much to help her and to remind her of her potential and how much I love her, but she won't listen to anyone who knows her because she feels that they're lying to her. I really feel like she needs some reminders from people and some encouragement. Messages of hope, encouragement, and love from strangers might be all she needs to find herself again. She is only thirteen years old and has her whole life ahead of her. Her family is trying so hard to keep her alive, and would appreciate help from others. I miss her happy, sweet self and would love to see her like that again.”

My heart breaks for this girl and her loved ones. I've had a lot of friends and family who've struggled with depression, anxiety, body image, self-harm, etc. When you see someone you care about struggling and pieces of themselves disappearing, you feel so helpless no matter what you do. You try to help and encourage them, but it never feels like it's enough.

Then I think about Emma herself, and how hard this time must be for her. I get overwhelmed thinking about what must have happened or the mindset someone must be in at such a young age to have these thoughts and feelings. She needs that love and encouragement to show her that things get better and there is so much more out there in the world. 

When I sat down to write the letter, I almost was at a loss for what to say. I wished I knew more about her and what she liked. Her favorite colors, her fandoms, the music she listens to, etc. But, once I got going, the words came easily. 

Grab your pens and join us as we write some love letters to Emma!


Emma’s bundle

℅ Natalie S.

5033 N Kilt Ave

Meridian, ID 83646


Here's more information about We Need More Love Letters and the 12 day campaign:


12 Days Landing Page (where action will take place!)

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